品牌创始人介绍 Introduction to Nannanxi
1:2006年北京首届创意市集《Lilei and Hanmeimei》原创团队成员之一
Member of the team that created the Lilei and Hanmeimei in the Beijing’s first Creativity Market in 2006
Established the Soho Children’s art studio in Shanghai Pudong in 2006
Published my first comic book
Created two personal art exhibitions “Adventures of Nannanxi” in 2009
Moved to New Zealand and created the iconic characters of “Lengtu” and “Family of Nannanxi”
Exclusively interviewed by CCTV4’s “Chinese World” in 2016
History of Nannanxi
Established studios in 2016 specialising in kids art – Nannanxi Art Studio
Opened Nannanxi Art Studio in Shandong and Changsha China in 2018
Expanded to four art studios throughout Auckland in 2019
Mission Statement: To create a professional children’s art educational brand. To discover and create beauties within everyday life. To maintain the dovelike characteristics of children through art. Let art be your best friend!

儿童绘画课程介绍 – Kids Art Classes
3-4岁启蒙涂鸦 – Introductory Class
Handcraft and painting, stimulate children’s creativity Teaching of basic art principals, understanding basic principals of picture formation.
5-6岁基础进阶 – Art Basics
Primarily painting focused with support of handcrafts. Teaching of artistry techniques. Improvement of picture’s overall control and expression.
6-8岁综合艺术 – Integrated Art
培养孩子综合绘画能力,按学期进行丙烯色彩、水彩、素描、 彩铅和立体手工等。
Cultivate children’s overall art skills, assorted by terms utilising acrylic, watercolour, sketch, traditional Chinese painting colour pencil and 3D handcrafting.
8-12岁技法提升 – Drawing Techniques
Teaching fundamental concepts of art, emphasising technique advancement, assorted 90min by terms utilising colour realism, and sketching.
12岁以上专业艺术 – Professional Art
Teaching fundamental concepts of art, emphasising technique advancement, assorted 90min by terms utilising colour realism, and sketching.
成人绘画课程介绍 – Adult Art Class
成人艺术课 – Adult Art Class
Choose own topic,guided through by a professional art teacher,create your own wall art.
28 Princes Street, Onehunga, Auckland
Please go into the driveway next to 26 Princes Street and it is on the left
2B/2 Bishop Browne Place, Flat Bush, Auckland
Opposite the 太平超市 and on top of the Korean restaurant
233 Dairy Flat Highway, Albany, Auckland
Opposite the Albany Village Library and on top of the Barfoot and Thompson building
3/7 Waipareira Avenue, Henderson, Auckland
Opposite the ACG Sunderland Henderson